
jenv: A Game Changer for Java Version Management

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to run multiple Java applications, but each one requires a different version of Java? This can be a real pain, especially when you’re trying to switch between different projects or applications. But don’t worry, there’s a tool that can help you manage multiple Java versions on your system, and it’s called jenv!

jenv is a simple and easy-to-use tool that allows you to manage multiple Java versions on your system. It works on various operating systems including macOS, Linux, and Windows. With jenv, you can easily switch between different Java versions for different projects, without having to manually set the JAVA_HOME environment variable each time.

Installing jenv on macOS using Homebrew

Here’s how you can install jenv and enable command line completions on macOS using Brew:

  1. Install jenv:
brew install jenv
  1. Generate the shell completion script (use your shell instead of bash):
jenv completions bash > ~/.jenv/completions/jenv.bash
  1. Add the following line to your shell profile file to enable jenv completions in your terminal:
source ~/.jenv/completions/jenv.bash
  1. Restart the terminal

And that’s it! You’ve successfully installed jenv and enabled command line completions on your macOS machine. Now, you can start using jenv to manage multiple Java versions on your system.

How to use jenv

One of the key features of jenv is the ability to set the default Java version for all projects on the system, or for a specific project.

For instance, to set the global Java version, simply run the jenv global command followed by the Java version you want to use like this: jenv global 1.8. Similarly for other commands.

The jenv command has several subcommands that allow you to manage your Java environment:

  1. jenv global: This subcommand sets the global Java version for all projects on the system. When you run a command that requires Java, jenv will automatically use the globally set Java version.
  2. jenv local: This subcommand sets the local Java version for a specific project. The local Java version is stored in a file called .java-version in the project’s root directory. When you run a command in the project directory, jenv will automatically use the locally set Java version.
  3. jenv exec: This subcommand runs a specified command in the context of a specified Java version. This allows you to run a command using a specific Java version, even if it’s different from the global or local version.
  4. jenv shell: This subcommand sets the Java version for the current shell session. When you run a command in the same shell session, jenv will automatically use the shell-specific Java version.

So, how does jenv work under the hood? Essentially, jenv modifies the environment variables on your system, so that when you run a command that requires Java, jenv automatically uses the Java version that you have set using one of the commands mentioned above.

jenv for macOS GUI apps

Now, if you’re a macOS user, you might be wondering how jenv works for GUI applications on macOS. The jenv macos-javahome command allows you to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable for GUI applications on macOS.

The jenv macos-javahome command works by creating a file called jenv-environment.plist in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents directory. This file is a property list file used by launchd, the macOS service that launches GUI apps.

The jenv-environment.plist file contains a shell script that sets the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of the currently active Java version, as determined by the jenv javahome command.

The script is run by launchd whenever a GUI app is launched, ensuring that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the desired Java version.

Note that the jenv macos-javahome command must be run again whenever the active Java version changes, as the jenv-environment.plist file does not update dynamically.

In conclusion

jenv is a powerful tool that can help you manage multiple Java versions on your system. Whether you’re working on multiple projects or simply need to switch between different Java versions, jenv makes it easy to switch between different Java versions with just a few commands. So, go ahead and give jenv a try – it might just make your life a lot easier!